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Clinician's Services

Counselor network

Counselor's Community

Nobody understands counseling like another counselor! If you're looking for a place of understanding and belonging in the wellness community you've found it here! My goal is to create a platform for my fellow counselors' gifts and talents to shine, a learning community for us to grow, and a place of respite. Join Clinician Connect so we can get acquainted.

Counselor self care

About Book Club

I'm always studying, and I love to grow! How about joining us for introspection, conversation, and  transformation! Suggested topics include boundaries, happiness, the latest text on communication, leadership. Reach out to get on the mailing list.
Counselor advocacy

Activism & Community

Let's partner together to navigate the absent infrastructure and to envision a healthier mental health care system that cares for counselors and our coummunities. What would you do differently? How can we partner to deepen the community's experience of mental wellness? How would mental health improve if we had a hybrid of the medical model instead of pathology? Join us for conversations about right sizing gaps in the counseling industry.  

Developing Your Business

Suppose you're in the early stages of your clinical journey or new to being a couples counselor. In that case, you will appreciate the value of sharing resources and insights to help your practice become profitable through various training offerings.  I offer group sessions  for Therapy Business Operations 101 and couples consultation groups. Contact me for more information.

Developing YourSelf

Did you forget to put on your oxygen mask?!  We teach boundaries and break them all the time. I am a counselor's counselor.  If your struggle with boundaries, can't figure out to manage the practice and find time for yourself, I can help.  It's time to feel better. Let's get reconnected to life and the things that make you happy. Schedule a free consultation.

Let's Connect!

I'm always looking to partner in wellness!

Danielle Horne

WellnessScapes Counseling

1460 Maria Ln, #300

Walnut Creek, CA 94596


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