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Does this Resonate?

Overwhelmed man
Frustrated man
Depreseed man
Angry Man





TheFellasPlace @ WellnessScapes

Virtual Men's Therapy Group

A group for men, 

When the boy is healed,
the man will emerge.
Dash Hudson

Many men’s sense of self and ability to build solid relationships has been upended due to their relationship with their mother. Maybe mom was abusive, unstable, too clingy, absent, or too distant, which left the man feeling unworthy, angry, and uncertain. Years of negative messages and poor treatment create a distorted self-view. The men’s group Resonate aims to create a safe, supportive environment to undo those messages and replace them with positive messages that resonate. You’re a man who is a son, and you get to determine how much son to give. Learn to set boundaries, speak up without blowing up, and overwrite the tape of invalidating messages you received in childhood. Join a group where you can be seen and heard rather than judged and blamed. 

Interested in men's group?

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